Sunday 4 November 2018

November Monthly Music News

After Halloween and Faith Day, I feel refreshed and ready to begin new units
and concepts as this beautiful season of fall continues.
Here is a summary of what we have been learning:

  • Always important for the first few months is establishing classroom routines and expectations. Students are following the leader using different locomotive movements.
  • Students are using their 4 voices (i.e. speaking, singing, whisper and a calling voice - no shouting please!). Finding and using a singing voice for call and response questions can be a challenge. Please encourage your child to vocalize at home by imitating sounds such as: owl hoots, cat meows, wolf howls, sirens etc., (i.e. anything that lifts their voice out of the basement and into the attic!)
  • Students also have been exposed to playing several non-pitched instruments to maintain the beat.
  • Beginning this month, we will start learn songs to celebrate peace and about the birth of Jesus for on concert on December 20th. We will need to memorize lyrics, incorporate actions, follow a conductor and stand on the risers with very quiet feet. More information about this informal music room event with come in the near future.
Grade 1
  • Like Kindergarten, we have spent time establishing routines and reviewing our 4 voices. 
  • Our focus thus far has been on maintaining a steady beat on our laps and on instruments while singing or reciting poems. 
  • I have noticed that most Gr. 1 students have found their singing voice and so we are singing responses to simple questions such as: What are you doing for Halloween? 
  • Movement involving pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns have been seasonal favorites.
  • In Hymn Sing, we have been preparing songs for our liturgies. 
  • This week we are starting songs for our concert "Christmas Around the World". Countries of study are: America, Jamaica and Germany. Student readers will be chosen in the weeks to come and parents will be notified in regards to rehearsing with their child at home.
Grade 2
  • We have been reviewing the rhythm concepts of ta, ta rest and titi. It has been accomplished through rhythm card practice and: red (ta), yellow (titi) and echoing  4-beat rhythm patterns by student leaders.
  • We have also reviewed where so and mi live on a 3-line staff and tossed some bean bags on a large felt staff to name line, and space notes on a 5 line staff.
  • A more challenging skill has been to add sound effects and accompaniment on the Orff instruments. It takes a lot of concentration and focus!
  • Students have also started to sing a few songs for Carol-fest. In Music class, we are learning about music from England, Italy and France. Student readers will be chosen in the weeks to come and parents will be notified in regards to rehearsing with their child at home.
Grade 3
  • The focus is Gr. 3 thus far has been on partner games and group work. We have completed 3 group projects: a Name Game where they were vagabonds travelling around the world, Song Time and another had to do with changing the lyrics to a familiar song (i.e. Are you Sleeping?), adding body percussion for interest. Working in a group is an important skill and we are learning how to share ideas, thank people for their ideas and to make good use of their time.
  • We have also been singing ostinato patterns, singing in canon (one group enters a phrase behind) and trying partner songs (2 different songs sung at the same time).
  • Students have been listening and responding to a variety of instrumental music such as: The William Tell Overture and Turkey in the Straw.
  • This month we are learning how to square dance and will begin to practice songs for for Carol-fest. In Music class, we are learning about music from Africa, Spain and the town of Bethlehem. Student readers will be chosen in the weeks to come and parents will be notified in regards to rehearsing with their child at home.

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